Sunday, July 27, 2008

Losing Faith In Humanity

....I think I already have.

I think my wanting to be an RT is really a deep-down desire to help people where most of them will actually appreciate it.

But I'm losing faith in humanity because people are so rude and disrespectful. People treat each other like trash. If people interact with another person in "customer service" and don't have their ass kissed, people lose their freakin' minds! Is everyone THAT crazy? Is everyone THAT unhappy? Is everyone THAT ignorant?

Do people think of their actions? Do they find any way to justify their behavior?

Rudeness breeds rudeness. You're rude to a cashier, cashier becomes unhappy just like you. You tailgate someone or drive like an ass, everyone else trying to mind their own business becomes unhappy just like you. You're rude and disrespectful and your children see this, they will become just like you. Do these things make you happy?

I've been reading the Postsecret Community message boards all the horrible stories people have told about rude customers.

Honestly, a lot of it made me want to cry.

And I know, it will only get worse.

Why are people like this? Will it ever lessen?

Remember, right after 9-11, when everyone was nice to each other and we appreciated each other as AMERICANS, and we had this new sense of brotherhood?

Where did that go?

1 comment:

Yo mama! said...

Yes, people suck! And, that's why I became an's so much better when they have a tube down their throat, propofol running through their veins putting them into LaLa-land, and bilateral wrist's so much easier to take care of them when they arn't moving ;)

Plus, they are so much nicer when they can't talk....