Tuesday, October 7, 2008

First Day Of Clinicals

It wasn't TOO bad.

I was nervous as hell the night before. I couldn't fall asleep anywhere near my 8pm bedtime (I get up at 4am) because I was so anxious about it. Yeah, I've been to a hospital before. I work in one now. Yeah, I've done some patient care before, but not in a while. Still, this is Clinicals, man! This is a grade, this is experience, this is potentially the rest of your life....

Or, I could be over dramatizing it.

Anyway, my clinicals were at the county hospital. Despite all the bad press and some bad reputation, the hospital is quite nice. The new part is exceptionally fabulous.

We almost witnessed an intubation, but they were taking too long and we had to leave.

I saw someone on a real-live ventillator with some other cool new technology for blood clots. I listened to breath sounds on someone who was unconscious. I missed the cleaning of a trach and I'm quite disappointed in that, but alas, I'm sure I will see many in the coming future.

You'll learn quickly that I LOVE LOVE LOVE grose things. The greener the better. Poop, not so much. Bones piercing through skin, not so much. Mucous and pus.... I'm all up in that.


Had a Cardiopulmonary A&P test today. I think I sucked. Last time I thought I sucked, I made a 94% so who the hell knows. I'll either be in for a surprise, or won't be surprised at all.

Back at the county hospital this Friday. This time, I wanna see something grose. Oodles of inmates don't count.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel so left out...everyone who blogs about RT school has already started clinicals.

Ours don't start until 2nd semester (which begins in January). I'm glad your first day went well. I'm all up in that gross stuff too...poop doesn't bother me because I'm a CNA, but it's not like, Ohhhh coooll. Broken bones, lacerations, guts on the trauma table, sputum, chest tube insertions...that kinda stuff is pretty awesome.