Friday, January 30, 2009

*Toot Toot*

There's a girl in my class who loves to toot that horn of hers.

I'm sure she's smart and all, but the way she talks doesn't match her possible IQ. Sure, I bet she's got all the time in the world to study and sits at the front of the class so she can soak information in - but, I think she's a little on the "immature" side. Whatever.

Our first day back at Clinicals, we all went to Post-Conference, where we sit and talk about our day and then review stuff from last semester, present our articles, etc.

Our instructors always ask, "Did anyone see anything cool today?"

This day, the answers were:

"We got to see a Dr. drill a hole in someone's head."

"I saw someone's intestines."

"We had a code."

And then Horn-Tooter toots, "I did an ABG today!!"

We just learned about ABGs. We have until graduation to do 3 of them. Yes, if perhaps I had the opportunity to do one on a comatose patient that day, I might have done it. However, I wouldn't have tooted my horn about it. Nobody likes a horn-tooter.

Like I said, I'm sure she's smart, but her actions make her seem really not smart. But her being in the class is that element of entertainment we need amongst all the seriousness.

Now for the OTHER annoyance of mine. The old poor-study-habits reveal - or - part of the "It's Not Fair" chorus.

We had a class day and a Clinic day cancelled because of the icy weather. So we missed a lecture/review day for the tests we had coming up. Two of the tests were pushed back one day and the other test was kept on schedule.

An hour or so before the test, our instructor revealed that some of the test had short answer/fill-in-the-blank questions.

There was almost a small riot.

Okay, so you have to actually say something instead of coloring in A B or C. BFD!!!! If you had known there would be short-answer questions, how would this have affected your studying? Would you have studied harder? Shouldn't you have been studying hard in the first place?

I think some people in my class over-react. I'm just a silent observer.

Oh well, despite all this stuff I get all opinionated about, I still love school. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed and stressed, but I make it through.

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